August 4th and Beyond Part II

by: Leah Chisolm-Allison

At the end of my internship we had a Youth Summit at Marsh Billings with interns from SCA and VYCC. This was a wrap-up for all interns where we could meet each other and give a presentation on our summer internship so that everyone could see the work that we have done. It was a great way to get in touch with other organizations and to see other areas within a park service and the needs that it requires. We also got to know each other through games and making homemade pizza and by taking a mini nature hike. Afterwards we got meet up with Mary-Ann to see and tour the archives for Marsh Billings.



OUR HOMER EXHIBIT WAS A HUGE SUCCESS! Towards the end we were worried that we were not going to finish in time but we did. Through hard work and dedication Abigail, Elizabeth, and I were able to finish the exhibit. Our research from Rauner paved the way to create an indepth story of Homer Saint-Gaudens that will give the audience a view and glimpse into his life. Countless time was spent on editing to make sure that the information was both correct and in chronological order. Once done, Elizabeth and Henry reviewed our work and made sure that it was correct. Afterwards we printed it out and mounted it on foam core. We then went on to gather the objects for the exhibit and made tombstone labels that give all the necessary information about the objects. Once everything was done we gathered boxes that we would use to transport the items to be set up on friday which is opening day.


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