Full Steam Ahead in Scranton!
Full Steam Ahead in Scranton! Written By: Juliann Ramos Having only been to Eagle Lake and Hersheypark in my childhood, I vaguely understood that Pennsylvania was host to a wide variety of landscapes- and through my CRDIP position, I have found that no place...
Thomas Paine, Enlightenment Philosophy, and Global Histories: The American Revolution in a Global Context
Thomas Paine, Enlightenment Philosophy, and Global Histories: The American Revolution in a Global Context Written By: Maya Koka In his famous revolutionary pamphlet, Common Sense, political philosopher and English writer Thomas Paine once said, “A long habit of not...
ACE Tips: Outdoor Summer Adventure Gear
ACE Staff Share Tips for Enjoying Your Next Camping Adventure! Summer adventures are here! As many head out to enjoy outdoor activities such as camping, we asked our ACE team for what to look for when buying some camping and outdoor-related items. Please consider...
Navigating Conservation and Data Management
Paulina Jones Inventory and Management (I&M) Planning Fellow - Southeast Regional Office, Georgia I started this position as a recent graduate with a B.S. in environmental management and policy, with minors in biology and legal studies, and was eager to apply the...
Corps to Career: Isa Cordes
Maximizing Opportunities Leads to New Career A Reflection Piece by Isa Cordes, ACE EPIC Alumni I’ve spent several years moving around for seasonal conservation work, and have done habitat restoration, trail work, and a variety of surveying and monitoring jobs. When I...
Five Common Conservation Crew Myths
Five Common Conservation Crew Myths Hint: You Don’t Need to be a “Hippie” to Join a Crew 1) I should be a physically fit outdoorsy, camping type person to join a conservation crew. There are common misconceptions that conservation crew members are super athletic...
Then and Now at Bayou Lake National Wildlife Refuge
Kristen Boyd is currently an ACE EPIC Cultural Research and Education Fellow with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service at Black Bayou Lake National Wildlife Refuge in Monroe, Louisiana. Hey everyone! I'm Kristen Boyd, currently an ACE EPIC Cultural Research and...
Pythons, Fish, and Frogs – Oh My!
Our staff recently visited several EPIC members serving with US Fish and Wildlife. The members are working on a variety of impactful and interesting projects ranging from creating outreach materials to learning how to safely capture invasive pythons! ACE recruits and...
Top 6 Ways To Add Creativity to Your Conservation Work
The conservation world can be a rewarding space to grow yourself, career, and skills, but sometimes it can be exhausting and like any job, it can be easy to fall into daily routines and norms. By adding sparks of creativity in your conservation efforts, you can add...
Creatives in Conservation Personal Story
Have you ever looked back on a time and realized how pivotal that moment was? I reflect on the day I applied for ACE, and the ripples of that decision continue even now. At the end of the summer of 2019, I found myself blubbering to my new closest friends about how...
EPIC BLM Member Shares Insights Regarding AIM: Assessment Inventory and Monitoring Program
Our staff recently connected with ACE EPIC Member Allyson Richins who is serving in the Bureau of Land Management's AIM (Assessment Inventory and Monitoring) Program. Allyson shares her experiences in participating in this essential initiative promoting standardized...
ACE Experience Inspires New Career Journey
My ACE Experience — Lara Meersschaert Quite often, I have found myself staring down the barrel of a decision that, however daunting, would have the possibility to change the course of my life. I didn’t fully grasp this at the time that I decided to commit to a...
Jake Power – Wildlife Support Member – Summer Reflections
I along with fellow ACE EPIC intern (Theresa Wood) released 684 critically endangered Dusky Gopher Frogs (DGF) back into the wild. The frog eggs are collected from a breeding pond in winter and raised in captivity for around 3...
BLMFS Member : Zoe Stephens
I am a Biological Resource Monitor working for ACE and the BLM. I received a dual degree of Wildlife Biology and Environmental Biology, with honors from Keystone College. When I first started my position in 2022 I was not sure of what exactly to expect. I knew...
EPIC NPS: Mini Member Highlights from the Field
Mini NPS Highlights: Sneak Peeks from the Field Written by: Alex Wojciechowicz and Marty Olea Alex is a Cannon Maintenance Member at Castillo de San Marcos National Monument (CASA) in Saint Augustine, FL. Built by the Spanish, Castillo de San Marcos was built...