Park Connections

Park Connections

Park Connections By: Sandhya Narayanan My primary task for my internship this summer is to help build connections between Salem Maritime/Saugus Ironworks National Historic Sites (SAMA and SAIR respectively) with local tribes. Over the course of doing this outreach,...
Embattled Landscapes

Embattled Landscapes

Embattled Landscapes By: Marta Olmos I have been using a lot of my project time to research agricultural improvements and the enlightenment in the New England context. In the 18th century, the land that now falls within Minute Man National Historical Park was mostly...
A Memoir of Women Who Inspire Me

A Memoir of Women Who Inspire Me

A Memoir of Women Who Inspire Me By: Sonya Carrizales While studying pioneering women in Yellowstone during the past two weeks of my internship, I’ve been reflecting on how the experiences of the women I’m researching compare to the stories of women in my own family...
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