Federal Jobs


ACE collaborates with leading federal agencies such as the National Park Service, US Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management and others. Over the years, many of our members have gone on to enjoy careers with our federal partners.

While situations may vary by position, the following lists 10 benefits of working for a federal agency:

1) Job security
In times of economic uncertainty, private company employees are three times more likely to be terminated than federal employees.

2) High compensation
Federal employees receive competitive salaries anad benefits packages and there is strong likelihood to receive compensation increases.

3) Worklife balance
Many employment opportunities offer flexible work schedules, including telework, depending on the position.

4) Make a difference
Federal employees can play a vital role in addressing pressing issues, from homelessness to homeland security.

5) Professional development
Federal employees have many opportunities for career advancement including a specific program dedicated to helping to ensure employees have easy access to information about job openings.

6) More Vacation and Holidays
Over the course of a career, state and local government employees and federal civilian employees receive nearly 1.5 years more in paid vacation and holidays than the average private employee.

7) Great health benefits
The federal government offers the widest selection of healthcare plans than any US employer.

8) Retirement
Along with strong retirement investment plans, federal employees tend to have the option to retire earlier than their private sector counterparts.

9) Location
You have a wide selection of locations with 84% of federal positions are outside of Washington, DC.

10) Support for student loans
Some federal agencies can help pay back up to $10,000 per year in student loans, up to a total of $60,000.

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